Thinking differently isn't enough
We all want change to feel better
Apprehension, worry, nervousness, panic, anxiety. Feeling various forms of fear is completely normal during change.
Yet if we ignore that fear, we're more likely to create change resistance.
And less likely to feel more of what we want: hope, gratitude, curiosity, confidence, appreciation, and joy. These emotions are present in successful change adoption.
Emotions in all forms and intensity levels WILL happen during change. They're a human response to uncertainty and volatility. But many change approaches de-emphasize feelings. They're unpredictable, chaotic, and unnecessary to get the work done. Right?
Emotions influence behaviors. This principle is used throughout performance motivation, behavior and decision science, positive psychology, and marketing, to name a few. You experience it daily when you use social media.
It's time to put that principle to use within organizations during change.
Better is possible. I help you think and feel differently about change.

- Change feels emotionally chaotic and unpredictable
- Project efforts feel tactical and disjointed
- Lots of fire drills to address people problems
- Leaders unaware of what they need to do or what good looks like
- No way to know if progress is being made on people readiness
- Emotional patterns are recognizable
- Emotions connect the dots to inspire and influence
- Leaders anticipate barriers to get ahead of people risks
- Leaders who know exactly what to focus on and have a systematic approach for encouraging people
- Specific behavioral proof points that indicate key people readiness
Stop guessing, start influencing
A Courageous Change strategy sprint helps you quickly focus on the people you need to influence. I work with select members of your team to help them understand how to use emotions to influence behavior change.
Your team learns in the process, but you'll also have a change strategy so you know what activities are needed and who will do them (i.e. before you hire contractors).
There's no dilly-dallying in this growth exercise, you'll experience tangible progress in just eight weeks.
Let's talk Strategy
Kris provides great insights. She hears people and thinks about what they're saying on a deep level.
Coaching client

Her encouragement and personal stories helped me become more mindful in making change doable.
Coaching client